House League
The House League features girls from grades kindergarten through eighth grade and is divided into four different levels: Little Timers (Kindergarten and 1st Grade), Starters (2nd and 3rd Grade), Juniors (4th through 6th Grade) and Seniors (6th through 8th Grade).
Little Timers
Girls will be taught the game in a clinic session coordinated by long-time youth coaches and current high school players. There will be no permanent “teams” but all the girls will be taught the same skills and techniques; in the last few weeks, girls will play organized games.
Grades: Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Cost: $135
Dates: Dec. 15, 22; Jan. 12, 19, 26; Feb. 2, 9, 23; March 2, 9
Location: Westhill High School
Super Sunday: March 9
Times: Sundays from Noon to 1 p.m.
All Starters participants will participate in a 45-hour clinic each Sunday and then play a game each week with their assigned team. Teams will not be divided until after at least two weeks of clinic sessions (which will be 60 minutes until teams are decided). Again, the clinics will be administered by coaches and current high school players. The games will not have a score but will be four quarters and administered by referees.
Grades: 2nd and 3rd Grade
Cost: $155
Dates: Dec. 15, 22; Jan. 12, 19, 26; Feb. 2, 9, 16; March 2, 9.
Location: Westhill High School
Super Sunday: March 9
Times: Sundays; 45-minute Clinic and 45-minute Game each week; Sessions are 1:30-3 p.m. or 3-4:30 p.m.
Competitive league on 10-foot baskets for 4th, 5th and beginning 6th graders
Cost: $185
Evaluation Dates: Oct. 7 and 10 (all registered girls will be placed on a team)
Practice Begins: Nov. 6
Regular Season Game Dates: Dec. 8, 15, 22; Jan. 12, 19, 26; Feb. 2, 9, 23
Playoffs: March 2 to 9
Practice Location: Cloonan Middle School
Game Location: Westhill High School
Super Sunday: March 9
Practices are once per week (Tuesday or Wednesday at either 6 or 7 p.m.) and games on Sunday (Noon, 1, 2 or 3 p.m.). Practices begin on Nov. 6 and Games begin on Dec. 8.
Competitive league on 10-foot baskets for 6th through 8th grades
Cost: $185
Evaluation Dates: Oct. 7 and 10 (all registered girls will be placed on a team)
Practice Begins: Nov. 6
Regular Season Game Dates: Dec. 8, 15, 22; Jan. 12, 19, 26; Feb. 2, 9, 23
Playoffs: March 2 to 9
Practice Location: Cloonan Middle School
Game Location: Westhill High School
Super Sunday: March 9
Practices once per week (Tuesday or Wednesday at either 7 or 8 p.m.) and games on Sunday (Noon, 1, 2 or 3 p.m.). Practices begin on Nov. 6 and Games begin on Dec. 8.
"Playing Up"
While all girls will be expected to play at their grade level, we understand that exceptions will need to be made in extraordinary cases. With BOARD APPROVAL, girls may play up one grade level if it best fits their abilities. For example, a 1st grader could potentially play up in Starters, a 3rd grader could potentially play in Juniors and a 5th grader could play in Seniors. Again, the only way this can happen is with board approval.
Playing House and Travel
Players on the 5th grade travel teams are required to play house league in order to play on Youngtimers Travel Teams.
Players on the 6th, 7th and 8th grade travel teams will NOT be required to play in the house league in order to compete on the travel team at their respective grade. If a girl in 6th, 7th or 8th grade does want to play house, she can do so at a discounted rate of $125 for the season but she must be committed to her house team for all practices and games.
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Registration remains open for the Starters and Seniors League for the 2023-24 Stamford Youngtimers House League season.
Registration is closed for the Little Timers program and the Junior League as those programs are full.